Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why Do You Want to Learn Chinese?

A week ago, a mother who is interested in having her daughter learn Chinese from me told me that learning a foreign language can prevent Alzheimer’s disease.  I had sometimes worried that my language skills would deteriorate in old age.  I thought I would lose my English and revert to my mother tongue which is Chinese.  Since my husband is an American who does not speak Chinese, I thought I’d better teach my children Chinese so they could talk to me when I am really old.  But this mother reassured me that I will be all set and won’t have memory problems since I speak three languages:  Chinese, English, and French.

I googled on “foreign language and Alzheimer’s” and found several articles on how learning a foreign language can help prevent memory loss:

Preventing & Treating Alzheimer's

Ideas for Exercising Your Brain: …Learn something new: how to play a musical instrument, a foreign language, or start a new hobby.

Learning a Foreign Language Can Help You Live Longer

[Dr. Andrew] Weil believes that by learning a foreign language we can reduce the risks of getting some of the most common age-related symptoms and diseases such as memory loss and Alzheimer's.  “You don't have to master it,” he said. “Just the attempt to learn a language is like running different software through the brain. You're exercising more communication channels in the brain.”

Language, Brains, and Alzheimers

“There are no pharmacological interventions that are this dramatic,” says Dr. [Morris] Freedman, who is Head of the Division of Neurology, and Director of the Memory Clinic at Baycrest [Research Centre for Aging and the Brain], referring to the four-year delay in onset of symptoms for bilingual patients.

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